Z S C H O K K E - S T I F T U N G

Rundbrief 2016
Rundbrief 2012
Rundbrief 2010
Rundbrief 2008
Umfrage 2007

Zschokke Wappen

Stammbaum von 1908

Aktueller Stammbaum
Neue Zugangsdaten bitte bei Samuel erfragen

Newsletter 2016
Newsletter 2012
Newsletter 2010
Newsletter 2008

Zschokke coat of arms

1908 genealogy

please request new access data from Samuel

Lettre 2010

Arbre généalogique de 1908

Arbre généalogique
Demandez le mot de passe chez Samuel

Zschokke Nachkommen / relatives
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To all descendants of Heinrich Zschokke

summer 2010

Latest news - please reply

Dear relatives

Following the clear vote in favour of retaining the Zschokke Stiftung, we asked you to support the Stiftung. We are grateful to have received 20 donations totalling 12'470 francs, and we take the liberty to ask you again for donations (account IBAN: CH71 0076 1016 0381 3008 2, BIC: KBAGCH22) - we need money to continue supporting our relatives.

The Zschokke Stiftung - as many of you presumed - seems to be needed. Since our survey three years ago, we received 22 inquiries and requests of all kinds. We could give support with a total amount of 63'000 Swiss Francs in the form of five grants and eight interest-free loans. Most of these supports are connected with secondary education.

In August 2010, we sent an updated address list to all persons whom we know to be descendants of Heinrich Zschokke and whose address is known to us. In case you are a descendant of Heinrich Zschokke, but did not receive a letter recently, or if you have received the address list and found errors or omissions, please let us know by completing the questionnaire and returning it to our president.

We also intend to update the genealogic tree, therefore we ask you to send us any information on births, weddings, deaths and divorces of descendant of Heinrich Zschokke which happened during the last 15 years or so. For this, you can also use the questionnaire. We intend to publish the updated genealogic tree in a password protected part of our home-page.

Thanking you very much for your replies

kind regards

Hans Thalmann

president: Leo Zschokke, Ruesteinweg 1, CH-9475 Sevelen, Switzerland, +41 81 740 15 54, zschokke.leogmail.com
treasurer: Samuel Zschokke, Sternenbergstrasse 17, CH-4112 Flüh, Switzerland, +41 61 731 36 22, samuel.zschokkebluewin.ch
secretary: Lynn Zschokke, Ruelle du Faubourg 6, 1958 Uvrier