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Z S C H O K K E - S T I F T U N G |
![]() Startseite Rundbrief 2016 Rundbrief 2012 Rundbrief 2010 Rundbrief 2008 Umfrage 2007 Zschokke Wappen Stammbaum von 1908 Aktueller Stammbaum Neue Zugangsdaten bitte bei Samuel erfragen ![]() Home Newsletter 2016 Newsletter 2012 Newsletter 2010 Newsletter 2008 Zschokke coat of arms 1908 genealogy Genealogy please request new access data from Samuel ![]() Accueil Lettre 2010 Arbre généalogique de 1908 Arbre généalogique Demandez le mot de passe chez Samuel Zschokke Nachkommen / relatives ![]() |
To all descendants of Heinrich Zschokke spring 2008 You need the Zschokke-Stiftung - and it needs you.Dear relatives The survey last summer received an unexpected response. We sent out 250 questionnaires, and almost half of them were returned, a really high return rate. And the vote was clear: only 10% voted for an abolition of the Stiftung, 21% were in favour of extending the purpose of the Stiftung beyond the family, and the large majority, namely 69% voted in favour of keeping the Stiftung as it is now. Many reasoned that among the Zschokke family, there are still cases of need, and that education has become more and more expensive (see also the extended list of comments in German). Last year the number of requests for support tripled. We conclude that the Stiftung will continue unchanged. However, it can continue its purpose generously only if a) additional money is available to it, b) all descendants of Heinrich Zschokke and their addresses are known to us and c) the information flow from the Stiftung is improved. The latter is done with this newsletter, and we intend to send out newsletters regularly. Concerning the first two points, it's your turn. We ask you to support the Stiftung if you are able to (IBAN: CH71 0076 1016 0381 3008 2, BIC: KBAGCH22). Any amount is welcome. Of course, it is also possible to support the Stiftung with a legate. And please keep us informed on address changes, last year, 50 new addresses could be added to our list. Thank you for your support kind regards Hans Thalmann president: Leo Zschokke, Ruesteinweg 1, CH-9475 Sevelen, Switzerland, +41 81 740 15 54, zschokke.leo ![]() treasurer: Samuel Zschokke, Sternenbergstrasse 17, CH-4112 Flüh, Switzerland, +41 61 731 36 22, samuel.zschokke ![]() secretary: Lynn Zschokke, Ruelle du Faubourg 6, 1958 Uvrier |